Monday, March 16, 2009

A New Day

Well, it's time to go to work! Yeppers, I took a job with Food City and I start today. Let's hope and pray all works out!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Where's the respect? Returning home from a recent shopping trip to Oak Ridge, I came upon a funeral procession. Being on a 4 lane, I got into the left lane and slowed down so as not to pass. A driver flew up behind me (going faster than the posted speed limit by the way) got right on my tail, then went into the right lane as if going to pass me, but came up to the end car of the procession and had to slow down. But, what really floored me was the amount of cars coming the other way that drove as if they weren't passing a funeral!

I can remember when every car would pull off to the side as the funeral passed. Do we not have the compassion or respect for our fellow man, that we no longer care that someone has lost a loved one? Are we so busy? What if that had been your loved one?

We worry about being PC for so many things. Worrying that we will upset someone about their race, religion, or sexual orientation, but we don't worry about people who are already upset about the loss of a loved one. Where are we heading people?

I hope that those people who just flew past without showing their respect, will remember that when they are in the funeral for their loved one as people go past without pulling over, we are just to busy with our lives to pay the respect that they "deserve".

Tim Massey

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Well, I was maybe just a little over zealous. I didn't take the Walmart job. They only hire for part time (after saying I would get more hours) & don't offer benefits! A billion dollar corp. and they don't offer benefits? Well, it's only going to get worse. So many people out of work, companies don't need to "give" you everything like they used to.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Well, great news! Got a job at Walmart today, start work Friday! Will work in the deli, not my first choice and only part-time, but it's a start. Also, got called for a job with the census bureau. It's only a 10 week job, but the money is better. I'm going to try to do both.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lost the "Voice of radio"

Well, I see where we lost Paul Harvey yesterday. I for one am saddened by this loss, as I have grown up listening to him on the radio nearly everyday. I will miss his voice coming out of my speakers more now than ever, as I know it will only be as re-runs of his Rest of the Story series. I know his son has been doing them for a while, but there was hope until Saturday, that he would come back. Mr. Harvey, let me thank you for bringing those stories into my life, filling the parts of my day with news and bits. "Good Day".