Tuesday, April 14, 2009

World Police

Why is it the job of the United States to be the world's police? Most countries don't like us, and some just down right hate us! Yet we are supposed to fight wars, pirates, and supply money for these same countries. We put our men and women, in our armed forces, in danger. We send our hard earned tax dollars to these countries. Tell me when are we as a country going to wake up? Call me heartless, or whatever, but I couldn't care less if people in other countries are killing each other over politics or religion, we have people here in the US killing each other. I don't care if people in other countries are dying of poverty or disease, we have people in our country doing the same. Yet, we keep sending our troops and our money overseas to the same countries who don't like us or hate us. Our borders are open to the world, terrorists fly into our airports everyday. Criminals cross our borders illegally everyday. We need to spend our money here in our country, helping our people. This is not hate speech, this common sense speach. This day, I am writing a check to the IRS for $800 for taxes I under paid over the year, and I wonder, how much of this is going to Somalia or another country to use to buy bullets, guns, or bombs to use against the country I love. WAKE UP AMERICA!

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